(Video) Property Disaster in Montreal - When "Sh*t" Hits the Fan


Uncovering a Shocking Case of Property Neglect

In a shocking incident that highlights the importance of being prepared for unexpected property damage, a Montreal property manager recently found himself facing an unimaginable mess left by a tenant. The duplex located in the Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve (HMH) borough was left in an extreme state of unsanitary conditions, prompting a team of specialists to spend five days cleaning up the extensive damage. The situation not only emphasizes the significance of proper property management but also underscores the critical role of insurance in protecting property owners from such unexpected disasters.

The Disturbing Scene: A Glimpse Inside the Neglected Duplex

Giancarlo Carangelo, the property manager, expressed his disbelief and disgust at the state of the duplex. He described the experience of entering the property as "torturous" due to the appalling conditions. The tenant, Natasha Marcotte-Côté, reportedly abandoned the apartment along with her four children, leaving behind a horrifying scene of filth and destruction.

A Violation of Terms: Unauthorized Pets and Illicit Practices

Carangelo revealed that the tenant had violated the terms of the lease by keeping pets, despite the strict no-pet policy. The situation escalated as it was discovered that she was also engaging in illegal breeding practices within the duplex, resulting in the presence of at least five cats and two dogs. These animals contributed significantly to the unsanitary conditions that the property was left in.

Documented Evidence: Capturing the Devastation

A video lasting around a minute documented the extent of the damage caused by Marcotte-Côté's neglect. The footage revealed floors covered in animal excrement, soiled dog and cat cages, accumulated waste strewn across the premises, and an overpowering stench that necessitated the use of masks. The deplorable state of the duplex served as a testament to the urgency of addressing property damage promptly and effectively.

The Financial Toll: The Importance of Insurance

Dealing with the aftermath of such a disaster came at a considerable cost. Carangelo had no choice but to hire a professional cleaning service, resulting in a bill of $3100. The cleaning company spent a whopping five days, or 60 hours, to restore the property to a habitable condition. This situation is a stark reminder of the financial burden that unexpected property damage can impose, highlighting the crucial role of insurance in mitigating such costs.

Legal Action and Municipal Notices: Holding the Tenant Accountable

Carangelo plans to pursue legal action against Natasha Marcotte-Côté to recover the cleaning expenses and at least one month's unpaid rent. The municipality of Montreal had issued two notices to the tenant for the animal waste issue, in April and May of 2023. An official infraction notice was also issued by a process server, as documented by the local municipality.

Safeguarding Your Property with Comprehensive Insurance

The disturbing incident involving the neglected duplex underscores the necessity of comprehensive insurance coverage for property owners. From unexpected damage caused by tenants to the financial toll of cleaning up after such incidents, insurance serves as a vital safety net. This case serves as a wake-up call for property owners to explore their insurance options and ensure they are adequately protected against unforeseen property damage scenarios.