Protecting Your Vehicle in Quebec: The Importance of Insurance and GPS Tracking


Vehicle theft is unfortunately a common occurrence in Quebec, and it can happen to anyone. Jocelyn David, a resident of Hudson, recently experienced this firsthand when his Jeep Wrangler was stolen from outside his home. However, unlike many victims of car theft, David had taken steps to protect his vehicle by installing multiple GPS trackers. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of protecting your vehicle in Quebec, and the various measures you can take to do so.

The Prevalence of Vehicle Theft in Quebec

Quebec has one of the highest rates of vehicle theft in Canada, with over 28,000 vehicles stolen in 2021 alone. This is partly due to Quebec's proximity to the US border, which makes it a popular route for organized crime groups to transport stolen vehicles. However, vehicle theft can occur anywhere in Quebec, and it's important for residents to take precautions to protect their vehicles.

The Importance of Insurance Coverage

One of the most important measures you can take to protect your vehicle is to ensure you have adequate insurance coverage. This includes both comprehensive and collision coverage, which will protect you financially in the event of theft or damage to your vehicle. It's also important to review your policy regularly and ensure you have the right coverage for your needs.

GPS Tracking and Vehicle Recovery

Another important measure you can take to protect your vehicle is to install a GPS tracking system. This allows you to track the location of your vehicle in real-time, making it easier to recover in the event of theft. David's experience demonstrates the effectiveness of GPS tracking in vehicle recovery. In his case, his Jeep Wrangler was recovered in the Laurentides region, thanks to the GPS trackers he had installed.

Choosing the Right GPS Tracking System

When choosing a GPS tracking system, it's important to do your research and choose a reputable provider. There are many options available, including both hardwired and portable systems. Consider factors such as ease of installation, battery life, and the level of tracking accuracy offered.

Protecting your vehicle in Quebec is an important priority, and it's essential to take the necessary measures to ensure its safety. This includes having adequate insurance coverage, as well as installing a reliable GPS tracking system. By taking these steps, you can enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is protected from theft and damage. If you're interested in learning more about insurance and GPS tracking options in Quebec, contact your local insurance provider or GPS tracking specialist today.